
Tenure-Track JOB Oppotunity / 職員募集(テニュアトラック)

AIST seeks researchers having potential to lead the development of industrial science in a mid- and long-term perspective. The employee can move to a tenured position after undergoing a successful review on his/her performance on the job. About 90 % researchers became the permanent staff after the tenure-track period in the past results.

<<Theme:>>Nanosystem for adsorption, uptake, and separation of valuable resources
<<Start of employment>>April 1st, 2014
<<Employment term>> 5 years
<< Submission deadline>> 2013/10/25

In detail please see the AIST Recuiting page. NRI-2 is for our group.

Contact info: Tohru Kawamoto Email: tohru.kawamoto@aist.go.jp


【任期】 5年間
【応募締切】 H25.10.25 (他募集と併願の場合は10/11)

